Our Standard Package is a complete web
site that can get your company up and running quickly and effectively.
Starting at $399.95, this is also one of the most competitive packages
on the net!
This package allows you to take all of
your existing advertising material (advertisements, yellow pages ads,
brochures, letterhead, logo, etc.) and incorporate them into an
"online" web page. We will reformat the material so it
is effective as a web site!
We will also provide all the layout and
graphic scanning (for existing logos and images) for the site.
If you are interested in custom graphics,
logos, color schemes, buttons, or any other custom components, then you
should consider our Enhanced or Premium
Web Site Design Packages which include customization by one of our
graphic artists.
Don't forget to check out our Hosting
Packages as well. With our No Hassle
policy you are ensured that your hosting fees won't increase as your
site grows. All hosting packages include unlimited disk space for
your web site.